Cat Shock Collars: A Painful and Ineffective Training Method

Learn why cat shock collars are not an ideal training method. Electric collars for cats can cause many issues and even injure your pet.

Cat Shock Collar

Many people have heard of dog shock collars but were unaware that cat shock collars were also widely available. Cat shock collars are used by some pet owners as a training device.

As is the case with dog shock collars, their use is quite controversial.

Cat Shock Collar: Training

Training is the most common use for cat shock collars, although some pet owners also use them to keep cats from wandering onto furniture or countertops.

Many, many people have an issue with using any type of pain – even if it is mild – when training a pet. Some question the effectiveness of cat shock collars as cats do not usually respond very well to training methods that are based in fear as is this one.

Before you purchase a cat shock collar, you should be fully aware of the potential problems of using this type of training.

Cat Shock Collar: Problems

There are a number of potential problems associated with the use of cat shock collars.

  • Injury – This is, obviously, the most serious of concerns when it comes to cat shock collars. If the unit becomes wet or damp, it can cause a higher level of shock to occur. This can – and has – resulted in serious injuries to cats.
  • Owner = Pain – Do you want your cat to associate your presence with pain? If not, then you should forego the use of cat shock collars.
  • Choking – These collars can quite easily become hung up on something, creating a choking hazard for your pet.
  • Fear Training – As mentioned above, most cats do not respond well to training that is based in fear. Not only is there the potential that you may seriously harm your cat, but it all may in vain.

Some owners don’t even realize that they are hurting their cats. They have been led to believe that shock collars just feel like a tap or a poke. That’s simply not true.

The truth is that cat shock collars use pain to attempt to control behavior.

Cat Shock Collar: Just Say No

Instead of shock collars, try training methods that are based in rewards. While many will find it far easier to train dogs than cats, it is very possible to train cats with a bit of time and patience.

If you are having so much trouble training your cat that you would resort to inflicting pain, consider a session or two with a professional trainer who will be able to teach you the methods of properly – and painlessly – training your cat.

The good news is that most cats are very easy to litter box train, which is a big point that many cat owners are concerned about.

Cat shock collars, in addition to being questionable in their effectiveness, cause pain. Keep that in mind before making the decision to purchase one.