Medi-Cal Dog Food: Formulas to Assist in Maintaining Good Pet Health

Medi Cal dog foods are a line of products, each marketed as being designed to help with various pet health problems.  Whether or not feeding these foods can actually help your pet is a matter of contention, but some vets do endorse some of the formulas.

Medi Cal Dog Food: Formulas

As you begin to read about Medi Cal dog food, one of the first things that may strike you is the sheer number of formulas that are available. The company that makes the food, Royal Canin which is owned by Mars, Inc., calls it “therapeutic” dog food. While no promises of improved health are explicitly made by the company, that is what seems to be implied both by the marketing materials and the very names of some of the pet foods. Below is a list of some of the Medi Cal dog food formulas.

  • Calorie Control
  • Hepatic
  • Renal
  • Dental
  • Gastrointestinal
  • Mobility Support
  • Urinary
  • Cardiac
  • Reduced Protein
  • Satiety
  • Skin Support
  • Urinary

Vegetarian dog foods are also available as part of the Medi Cal line. Most of the formulas are available in both wet and dry foods.

Medi Cal Dog Food: Reviews

The reviews for Medi Cal dog food are mixed. While each formula is different, many are quite heavy in carbohydrates. They also contain ingredients that are known to cause allergies, such as corn, wheat and soy.

In some cases, such as in the low-protein formulas, a high carb count would make sense, but it is important to evaluate each of these dog food formulas on their own merit rather than trying to review them all as a group.

While the food does not score the highest marks in reviews, it has not been part of any of the dog food recalls that shook the industry over the past several years.

Medi Cal Dog Food: Where to Buy

Most of the Medi Cal dog food formulas can only be purchased through your vet’s office. Royal Canin, the company that makes the food, does have another line of dog foods that can be purchased at pet supply stores, but they do not use the Medi Cal name.

As mentioned above, the food has garnered mixed reviews, so not every vet will be quick to offer this food. Still, there are many that may suggest it as one part of helping your dog achieve the best possible health.

Medi Cal is not the only brand of therapeutic dog foods on the market. There are other foods that require a prescription to purchase. It can be difficult to determine what is best for your pet, especially if the dog has some sort of medical condition. That is why you need to talk to your vet to get the best advice about whether Medi Cal Dog food is right for your dog.